Just the word “stress” can trigger its namesake in the reader and, honestly, it makes sense. We are living in a time and place where productivity and performance expectations exert a real toll on our well-being such that it’s become second nature to label a majority of experiences as “stressful”. However, stress isn’t all harmful; it can actually be positive as well.
Stress is a physiological response to external or internal stimuli.
The nervous system releases hormones such as cortisol and even adrenaline that puts you in a heightened state of awareness, enabling you to face challenges head on. Once addressed, the body can then return to regulated levels through homeostasis.
When functioning as it is meant to, this type of response is known as “eustress” and researchers have highlighted how it can help keep us motivated, goal oriented, and even satisfied.
Think about concentrating on a high skill task, focusing for a test, stepping outside your comfort zone to try something new, traveling to another country, or attempting a different sport. Succeeding or discovering that you truly liked the experience generates deep gratification. Whereas unhealthy amounts of stress, or “distress”, will often result in feelings of relief, “eustress” will result in feelings of euphoria and excitement for how you faced the challenging stimuli.
Stressors are a normal, unavoidable part of life which can be as positive as much as negative. Recognizing how eustress works for you may be the first step in balancing it out with distress, and even changing your mindset when faced with challenges.
If you find yourself struggling with handling stressful